Declaring the main recursion message: this is not required, but it is good practice to declare messages:
msg sample.hanoi (disk, source, dest, aux)
The recursive mechanism - stops at 0 and recurses before and after moving...
sample.hanoi (disk, source, dest, aux)
$ifc:: (disk > 0) sample.hanoi (disk=(disk - 1), source=source, dest=aux, aux=dest)
$ifc:: (disk >= 0) sample.hanoi.move (disk=disk, source=source, dest=dest)
$ifc:: (disk > 0) sample.hanoi (disk=(disk - 1), source=aux, dest=dest, aux=source)
Moving the discs around - notice the selectors. Also, remember that source/dist are local variables and their reference variables in the global context (state
sample.hanoi.move (disk, source, dest)
ctx.echo (ma=state[="a"..., mb=state[="b"..., mc=state[="c"...)
. (x
. (state[=source]
. (state[=dest]
=([x] + state[=dest])
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