Diesel data model Pub Share

The diesel data model - we'll represent it as a tree. You can access the leafs with the dot notation (i.e. diesel.server.name) and most intermediary nodes will result in a json object.

  • diesel.env
  • diesel.userid
  • diesel.username
  • diesel.user
    • id
    • username
    • name
    • roles
    • authClient
    • authRealm
    • authMethod
    • eName
    • token
  • diesel.isLocalhost
  • diesel.isLocaldevbox
  • diesel.realm.props or diesel.props.realm
  • diesel.props
    • config
    • system (only in localhost)
    • env (only in localhost)
    • realm
  • diesel.realm
    • name
    • local
    • props
    • events
  • diesel.cluster
    • me
    • singleton
    • nodes
    • masterNode
  • diesel.server
    • name
    • node
    • host
    • hostport
    • hostName
    • ip
  • diesel.engine
    • description
    • status
    • id
    • json
    • html
    • settings

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By: Razie | 2023-06-16

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