Cool scala markdown wiki engine Pub Share

Light markdown wiki engine you can embed in any JVM app.


Some of the features of this wiki engine:

  • Markdown language used to easily create content.
  • Bootstrap used to create nice content
  • classic wiki link syntax with customizable extensions
  • authorization, authentication, different levels of visibility
  • user management (your app can have many users)
  • runs on the JVM
  • Java compatible and embedded/embeddable in any Java product
  • mongoDB for storage, customizable persistance
  • WikiPath, surfing the wiki content via built-in wiki-path capability (see this blog: Wiki Domain Models and Racer Kids)
  • domain/category definintion
  • engine driven by the category: guides creation of topics, their properties and relationships
  • scripts - there is possibility to embed runnable scala and Javascript scripts in the wiki topics - these scripts are executed when the page is displayed and add complex behavior to the pages, such as displaying the current number of members in a club etc

Read further about wikis and the syntax extensions used:

Versions and technologies

Some technologies that made this engine possible:

Wiki Domain Engine

The Markdown language was created to simplify creating web content.

Read this blog for more details on some of the more interesting R&D topics used in this wiki engine:

  • domain/category definintion
  • WikiPath, surfing the wiki content via built-in wiki-path capability (see this blog: Wiki Domain Models and Racer Kids)
  • engine driven by the category: guides creation of topics, their properties and relationships
  • scala scripts - there is possibility to embed runnable scala and Javascript scripts in the wiki topics - these scripts are executed when the page is displayed and add complex behavior to the pages, such as displaying the current number of members in a club etc

Open Source

Project is available on GitHub.

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By: Razie | 2014-11-28 .. 2022-10-22 | Tags: admin

Viewed 1119 times ( | History | Print ) this page.

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