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Domain categories: Admin Blog Category CategoryTemplate DTBlogPost DTCart DTCustomer DTInventory DTItem DTOrder DTProductSpec DTProductUnit Data DieselCron DieselNode DieselStream Domain Post Reactor ReactorMod ReactorModule ReactorTemplate Sample Schema Spec Story TestAnnotated TestClass1 TestContainer TestEmployee TestEmptyBody TestSimpleClass TestSubtypeClass TestWithParms Topic

User management:
- ClearConsent - clear all consents given by your users and make them have to consent again when logging in next time. Useful when updating your terms of use and/or consent.
- Invite members - If this is a members-only project, invite someone

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By: Razie | 2016-06-16 .. 2024-05-24 | Tags: reactor

Viewed 823 times ( | History | Print ) this page.

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