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send::  msg ctx.set  (x)

expect::  (x is undefined)
// // . // // x df.api.create (actionRef, deviceQuery, dailyWindow) // // x => ems.bulk.start (wfRef=actionRef) // // //=============== TODO // // // $mock a.b // // // =>[1,2]) // // // |=> ctx.echo(p=payload) // // // => ctx.echo(m="done") // // // $send a.b // // // => // // // |=> dctx.echo(xpayload=new BulkItem { // // // deviceActionRef:wfHeader.deviceActionRef, // // // deviceRef:payload, // // // state:"created.initial" // // // })

TODO this not work => if (countDone >= groupLimit and countNext < 0) (groupDone=true)

\=> $if (countDone >= groupLimit and countNext <= 0) (groupDone=true)
TODO this not compile

$when a.b.c => $if (countGroup >= group.groupLimit and d yy 5) (groupCont=false)

=> $if (countGroup >= group.groupLimit or wfHeader.doneItems >= wfHeader.totalItems) (groupCont=false)

== not working but is does, for bools in this case?

send::  msg ctx.set  (deleteArray :Array)

=> (deletes = deleteArray filter (x => x.isDelete == true)) => (deletes = deleteArray filter (x => x.isDelete is true))

these are not working:

send::  msg diesel.realm.set  (DEV_MODE:Boolean)

send::  msg bulk.init.actions2 

0 $mock:: bulk.init.actions2
   . (notInit=false)
=> $if (false == notInit) a.b8 => $if (true == dieselRealm.DEV_MODE) a.b9 => $if (notInit) a.b0 => $if (notInit or dieselRealm.DEV_MODE == true) c.d1 => $if (notInit == true or dieselRealm.DEV_MODE) c.d2

these work:

// => $if (dieselRealm.DEV_MODE) a.b6 // => $if (notInit == false) a.b7 // => $if (not notInit) a.b7a //=============== TODO // $mock a.b // =>[1,2]) // |=> ctx.echo(p=payload) // => ctx.echo(m="done") // $send a.b // => // |=> dctx.echo(xpayload=new BulkItem { // deviceActionRef:wfHeader.deviceActionRef, // deviceRef:payload, // state:"created.initial" // })

ALSO subobjects is not working:ex

// => (startEnd = wfHeader.startEnd) // => (startEnd.actualStartDtm ="sdf" ) WORKS // => (wfHeader.startEnd.actualStartDtm ="123") NOT WORK


OR parsing, precendence

// $ a.a(wfHeader={totalItems:1, doneItems:1}, countDone = 1) // $expect (wfDone is true)

this not work as expected

0 $mock:: a.a (wfHeader)
   $ifc:: ((1 == 1) or (1 <= 2)) . (wfDone=true)
   $else::  . (wfDone=false)
   ctx.export (toExport="wfDone"="wfDone")


val x1:Number=3=3 val x2="3"="3" val x4=(x2 as Number) val x5:Array=["4"]=["4"] val x5a=x5[="0"=0]

TODO fix last x5 here don't work

TODO fix line below - wno't even compile...

// $val x = {x1: x1, x2:x2, x3: (x2 as Number), x4: x4, x5 : x5[0] } // $val x = {x1: x1, x2:x2, x3: (x2 as Number), x4: x4, x5 : x5a }
TODO fix the lines 135 136

send::  msg ctx.set  (a)

//$expect (x.x4 is Number) // $expect ("${x.x5}" is Number)

Reset the red markers

send::  msg 

diesel.throw and catch at same level


TODO there is a bug when using `diesel.throw` at the same level/block with the catch. See comments below

0 $mock:: test.diesel.block99a
   . (res99=1)
   diesel.throw (exception="SQL"="SQL")
   . (x=(4 / 0))
     $ifc:: (( (exception as string) ) contains "SQL") . (res99=2)

ctx.sleep in sync flows

there is an issue with using ctx.sleep in sync flows (i.e. [1 .. 3] map x => ctx.sleep(duration=x))

sleep won't wake up because of the recursive sync exec.

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By: Razie | 2021-03-28 .. 2024-11-12 | Tags: story , dsl

Viewed 788 times ( | History | Print ) this page.

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